Instagram Marketing
Tips: How to Market on Instagram
Youtube- Views, subcribe, likes, dislikes, share, Favorites,Buying
Instagram- Likes, comments, story views, live video views,followers,Buying
Facebook- fanpage/post Likes, emoji, comments, followers,Buying
Twitter- Followers, Retweets, Favorites,Buying
Website traffic- Organic trafficBuying
Website- Designing/Development
Others-Linkedin, PINTERESST , vine, Spotify, SOUNDCLOUD,
VK, Google plus, spanchat, Vimeo Views, Periscope.Buying
Do you want 200+ likes for your every single post on facebook/instagram
either for one month or 200+ likes on 100 pics(which one is earlier).Buying
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Do you know how to use Instagram to market your business Buying? Do you get enough interaction with your brand Buying? Do you know how to get more followers on Instagram Buying
There are more than 400 million active users on Instagram every month, and every day 3.5 billion photos are liked. Use Instagram for business purposes in the right way, and you could have an instant viral marketing success. Use it wrong, and your efforts on the site could be a big empty fail.
You can use Instagram to tell a visual story about your brand, instantly engage with your followers wherever they are, and even get very real user-generated content through hashtag photo contests.
Setting Up Your Instagram Account
1. Create your Instagram for Business account - It’s easy to make a business account on Instagram.
2. Make a business username - Use your business name as your username. If it is taken, choose a username that is instantly recognized with your brand.
3. Complete your profile - Include a cool, branded photo, a short informative bio, and a link to your website.
4. Connect your account to Facebook - Instagram is owned by Facebook. Connect these two very powerful social media sites to boost your marketing efforts.
5. Pick a scheduling platform for your content - A personal favorite of mine is Later, which makes it super easy to upload and schedule the content I'm planning to post.
6. Create a brand specific strategy - Keep your Instagram content strategy focused on your brand’s unique way of seeing the world. Instagram is a photo (and now video) sharing site. Connect your business with your ‘tribe’ on Instagram in a consistent and particular visual way.
Using Hashtags
7. Use hashtags (#’s) in your updates - Hashtags are a major part of Instagram. It’s a big way of how users can find you through their mobile Instagram searches. Unlike on other sites (such as Twitter), you’re not limited by character count. Include a few tags (but not too many - or you’ll look desperate) in your posts to get connected.
8. Use brand specific hashtags - Include your business name in some of your post hashtags. Also, use unique tags for particular marketing campaigns you run. For example, if you’re hosting a photo contest on Instagram, make a unique tag just for that campaign. This tactic both promotes your contest, and it gives your consumers a distinct tag to connect with others participants (so they can see their competition!).28. Post fun, authentic videos of your CEO - make your top executives look personable. Make short, quirky videos of them to post on Instagram. For example, get them show one thing they like to do when not working, or doing something fun at the office.
9. Share exclusive content - Use your Instagram feed to show photos you haven’t shared on your Facebook, Twitter or blog (and vice versa). This makes your followers feel special.
10. Launch a product live on Instagram - If you’re launching a new product, taking your music group on tour, or opening a new store, etc - do it live on Instagram. For example, the day you launch your product, make a few 15 second videos of you and staff behind the scenes preparing for the launch, and the actual launch with excited customers. Post this to Instagram.
11. Build pre-launch momentum - If you’re launching a new product through Instagram, be sure to build excitement. Tease your followers with a 15 second video behind-the-scenes looks at how you’re preparing for the new product - without giving away exactly what it is. (Think iconic Steve Jobs marketing.)
12. Show your post-launch staff party (or clean up) - Dare to show you and your employees authentically, by posting a short video of you after a product launch.
13. Partner with other Brands on Instagram - Whether you’re a small one shop business, or a large multinational, you have relationships with other businesses. If they’re on Instagram too, partner up, and get them to post your products on their Instagram feed.
14. Bring offline online - Use QR codes to entice your in-store traffic to engage with you instantly on Instagram, entice them with social coupon promotions.
15. Bring offline events online - Are you hosting a live event? Promote a hashtag for attendees to use to share their photos of it.
16. Bring online offline - Host an Instagram meetup to engage in real life with local Instagram enthusiasts - and potential customers.
Improve Your ROI
17. Post consistently - Regardless of your follower count, post consistently. This gets your brand seen regularly by your followers. They will be more apt to become more regular customers this way too.
18. Determine post frequency - You might need to post 2-3 times a day, or 2-3 times a week. Monitor your account to determine your post frequency.
19. Find your perfect Instagram posting time - Not all brands have the same best time to post on Instagram. Not all products do either. Use analytic tools to monitor when your photos are getting liked and commented on. Find out when your hashtags are being used. Then post your fresh content at these most active times.
20. Monitor your Instagram results - use third party analytics, or track your followers, your hashtag post numbers, your post likes and comments.
21. Continuously improve - Based on your content results, keep improving your photo and video posts. If a particular type of image drives tons of engagement, keep using those types of posts. If using general hashtags get your posts interacted with a lot, keep searching for and using general hashtags.
22. Keep on top of Instagram trends - Instagram is constantly developing new and innovative ways to engage on this application. Keep learning to stay knowledgeable about the coolest ways to connect.
Youtube- Views, subcribe, likes, dislikes, share, Favorites,Buying
Instagram- Likes, comments, story views, live video views,followers,Buying
Facebook- fanpage/post Likes, emoji, comments, followers,Buying
Twitter- Followers, Retweets, Favorites,Buying
Website traffic- Organic trafficBuying
Website- Designing/Development
Others-Linkedin, PINTERESST , vine, Spotify, SOUNDCLOUD,
VK, Google plus, spanchat, Vimeo Views, Periscope.Buying
Do you want 200+ likes for your every single post on facebook/instagram
either for one month or 200+ likes on 100 pics(which one is earlier).Buying
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